Our Process

  • Fill in the form

    Simplified Data Collection

    You provide all the required information. After successfully paying, you will receive an email acknowledging the process. We have built this step with flexibility in mind.

  • Confirmation of buy

    Issuing your Cuba eVisa

    Visas are issued within 2 working days although most the time the eVisas are issued on the same day. If you don’t receive the evisa code within 2 days, please contact us.

  • Complete the visa process

    Complete Health and Customs Form (D'Viajeros)

    You must complete your D'Viajeros (Health & Customs) declaration within 7 days of your departure date. After completion, a PDF document will be generated. Please ensure you present this document to the airline and on arrival. You can either print it or display it on your phone or tablet.